Patient-level registry data at your fingertips

Real-world data and solutions for fast-tracked decision making. Identify trends in patient populations and their treatments in any therapeutic area.

On-demand patient insights in EpiX

EpiX is our solution to having real-world data on demand. Generate real-world evidence easily, cost-effectively and instantly. Start using our secure, cloud-based interactive data visualization platform for direct access to anonymized, individual-level patient data.

EpiX helps enhance strategic decisions. Using real-world data, it helps you to quickly improve disease knowledge, identify patient characteristics where unmet need is the greatest, or even provide the required data on what measures are important in proof of concept. EpiX provides additional evidence of clinical effect and safety, complementing clinical development studies for regulatory agencies. EpiX can help you demonstrate the product profile to payers, patients, providers, regulatory agencies and where you need it.

Drive medicine development from early stages to post-launch with real-world evidence using EpiX.

What is EpiX?

Epidemiology Explorer, or EpiX as we like to call it, is an interactive visualization and data analysis tool for real-world data. It uses real patient data to visualize a specific patient population and their treatments over several key dashboards. Dashboards include all from incidence and prevalence of disease, patient demographics, treatment patterns, survival, to patient trajectories and their healthcare resource utilization. EpiX is currently customized for Swedish National Register Based data, and visualizes entire patient populations in Sweden for various therapeutic areas including oncology and neuroscience.

Interested in people who have a specific treatment? Or even people who didn’t have a treatment? Compare these two groups with one another? All possible in EpiX. Select these patients and let EpiX show you insights into the population.

EpiX enhances your strategic decision making early: improve disease knowledge, identify patient characteristics where unmet need is the greatest. This is why we are confident when we say real-world evidence immediately, on-demand, and at your fingertips.

How does EpiX work?

EpiX is our online platform and a powerful data visualization tool specifically for real-world evidence and understanding patient populations quickly and deeply. You’re in control of what you see, it is fully customizable just by clicking. You select your patient population of interest, with specific characteristics, or even a specific treatment. The EpiX dashboards update instantly proving demographic data, survival, or treatment patterns. EpiX is the place you come to for real-world evidence within your disease areas.

What can EpiX do for me?

EpiX is your powerful tool to drive medicine development from early stages to post-launch insights, quickly, efficiently and with real-world data. It has ready-made dashboards and is also fully customizable to suit your real-world evidence needs, in all therapeutic areas.

Examples of what you can do include:

  • Rapidly visualize key patient populations

  • Identify relevant treatment patterns

  • Explore patient treatment journeys

  • Visualize lines of treatment, or even surgical interventions.

  • Compare survival on one treatment versus another, or over patient groups

  • See the duration of treatment

  • Quantify healthcare resource utilization

How do I get started with EpiX?

Getting started is as simple as getting in touch! Contact us for a demo, to discuss your needs, or for a quote. We are here to meet your real-world data needs.

Key features of EpiX

On-demand Real-World Evidence

We love on-demand, accessible data, that helps patients sooner rather than later. Understanding a patient population starts with real-world data. No long wait times, no complications, we’re interested in providing insights when you need them in all stages of innovation in developing medicines.

We also believe that it should be easy to understand patient populations which is why you can customize the dashboards to your specific purpose - with ready-made filters, flexible selection of comparison groups and specific patient or treatment selection.

Real-world data is driving change worldwide by showing real-patients in real-time. EpiX is our way of ensuring patient needs are met by making sure you have the data you need, when you need it.

Immediate Implementation

EpiX is easy to access. No downloading, no installation: access is via our cloud service. Getting started is as simple as setting a password.

We provide tutorials and workshops to get started in the best way - either individually or on a group-level. We want to make sure using EpiX is straightforward.

We have a dedicated team who is ready to support you at every step: from understanding your needs, to getting stared and ongoing usage we are committed to helping generate meaningful real-world evidence for your needs.

Cost-Effective Insights

EpiX shortens the time needed to have meaningful insights by generating on-demand insights. We reduce your research costs by using data that is already collected, is available and rapidly generates real-world evidence.

Patterns and trends are rapidly identifiable and can help accelerate decision-making processes. Our data reflects the real-world clinical practice and has coverage over approximately 98% of Sweden.

Patient insights in Sweden are generalizable to other countries where the same medicines are used and population characteristics are similar. The advantage of Sweden’s data versus other European countries is the individual-level of the data and the nationwide coverage.

All Therapeutic Areas

We provide coverage across all therapeutic areas. Whether your needs are within oncology, neuroscience, or elsewhere, we can provide patient insights.

As real-world evidence is a valuable tool to understand the real-world effectiveness and safety of therapeutic interventions across various disease areas, it is important to be able to have insights even from a specific disease in a given therapeutic area. We work with you to understand your main priorities and customize your data and insights.

We want to help you shape patient treatments, and that means data in all areas.

Instant Access: Anytime, Anywhere

EpiX is accessible online directly from your favourite web browser or on your phone. It’s a secure, cloud-based solution which means EpiX is available wherever you are.

EpiX has a user-friendly interface designed to help you gather the evidence you need from the patient data. Whether you’re new to data visualization, or have experience, EpiX helps you answer key questions.

Our data: Swedish National Registers

Our disease specific population-based cohorts are built from linked longitudinal, anonymized data from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Our data is at an individual level and linked across multiple registers.

Sweden has a long-history of capturing data, with some of the best patient data available worldwide as the coverage is nationwide. The Swedish Registers are well-established, well-used, and have countless publications using this data as a source of real-world evidence. Validated diagnoses, high accuracy, and capture of trends as they happen in the Swedish population are just some of their advantages.

The registers we capture data from are broad: hospital diagnoses, drug dispensations, surgical interventions, cancer diagnoses, causes of death and more.